An Incredible Paragliding Adventure…

We’re headed back to central Argentina next April for and incredible flying adventure and would love to have you join us. It’s not suitable for beginners but it’s not difficult. The take-offs are straightforward and landing fields are huge.

So, what’s it all about?

  • 12 days of incredible flying in central Argentina.
  • 14 – 25 April 2024.
  • Private room in luxury cottages.
  • Argentine cultural experience with local food and wine prepared by our Argentine chef friend.
  • 6 Pilots max (as of 1 Jan 2023 there are only 2 remaining spaces).
  • Trip run by BHPA Senior instructor.
  • Meals included.
  • Pilot level: CP or near CP for UK pilots or P2 for US. The flying is big site thermic but conditions tend to be quite easy and landing fields are huge.
  • Outstanding XC potential.
  • The cost is £2490 (GBP).

2023 is done and dusted so it’s time to look to 2024 and to make it the best year ever.

Flight Culture is running some fantastic  and we’d love for you to be part of our ongoing adventure.

This year our big trip is to Argentina from 14 – 25 April and it’s outstanding on so many levels; the flying is world class, we share big lazy thermals with condors, the country and people are just fantastic and of course there’s the food and wine.

We’ll be flying in the Sierras de Cordoba which are about 700km north-east of Buenos Aires and will base ourselves near two different towns so we can take in a number of flying sites.

We’ll start in La Cumbre which is the nearest town to the world famous flying site, Cuchi Corral. Driving to the site is a real experience as we have about 10km on a dirt track with the road meandering through rolling grasslands and gradually climbing to the take off – an escarpment sitting high above a beautiful river valley. The landing field is about 400m below take-off and is the size of three football pitches so very easy. Once down, there is a terrific cantina on the banks of the river that serves food and cold drinks all day. The other option is to go for a dip in the river which feels so good at the end of a hot day.

Take-off can be breezy but we’ll be there to help you if you need it. Once airborne you can boat around the site which is a huge area or you can work your way along the ridge with 50 – 100km flights being pretty normal. Cloudbase is typically anywhere from 1000 – 2500m above take-off.

We’ll have 5 days in La Cumbre and will be staying in luxury cottages just outside of town. Naturally, you’ll have your own bedroom and unless we decide to eat out, all meals and drinks will be provided.

Our next stop is near the town of Mina Clavero although we’ll be staying about 10km outside it. When you see the cabins we’ll be staying in, it’ll remind you of log cabins of the old American west. Once you step inside all resemblance ends and they are super comfortable with huge vista windows allowing you to enjoy the setting sun reflected off the escarpment. Horses roam freely and if you like the idea of horse riding in Argentina, we can definitely organise it. It is about a 10 minute drive to the landing field and then if we keep going another 20 or 25 mins to where we get dropped off for the hike to take-off. The site is called Traslasierra and again has been used for PWC’s. I’ve been flying for 30 years and this is the most stunning place I’ve ever flown – an escarpment that rises behind take off and with big flights from here being fairly common. The landing field is a bit smaller here, but not much; maybe the size of 2 football pitches. And, of course, there’s cantina that does fantastic food and icy cold drinks as well as a swimming hole in the river.












As far as food goes, you’ll get to try Argentine classics like Locro (a traditional corn based stew), empanadas (think mini Cornish pasties) and of course, Asado which isn’t just a BBQ, it’s a cultural experience – it’s about friends and family coming together as the meat and vegetables are slowly grilled. This is a heritage that originally came form the gauchos who tended to vast herds of cattle on the pampas and became experts at grilling meat. Now, when you pair Asado with the Argentine Malbec wine, something really magic happens. A good friend of ours is a local chef and he joins us on the trip so you’ll really get to try local food at its best.

Click here for more details or email [email protected]

Ready to fly? Get in touch with us today.