Dorset CP Paramotoring
Dorset is one of the most beautiful parts of the UK with rolling hills, the Jurassic coastline and beautiful villages dotted all around. Only a couple of hours from London and an hour from Bristol makes it an easy destination.
The Flying
Dorset is a stunning place to paramotor with an incredible landscape. We often fly over stately homes, iron age fortresses, follow river valleys and along the stunning Jurassic coast. We have a number of take off fields, located near Sherborne as well as over the Somerset boarder on the levels. Our fields are smooth enough to foot or trike launch.
We don’t provide accommodation but are happy to suggest local options.
- This trip is suitable for CP+ level pilots
This includes all equipment and everything is current generation. It also includes all fuel for the paramotors.
Any breakages or damage must be paid for by the student