Dorset paragliding
The Dorset countryside really is England at its most beautiful and the flying is correspondingly stunning. We have a wide range of sites in West Dorset and will show you this beautiful county while you’re with us.
We only take 1 student at a time so you will make rapid progress.
The Flying
We offer courses for both paragliding and paramotoring at all levels.
Beginners always start on a flat field with ground handling and this usually takes the first day but is so essential. We’ll introduce you to both forward and reverse inflations and get you to the point where you’ll be ready to launch.
On your second day we’ll take you to one of our hills and start with very small flights but as you improve, we’ll gradually move further up the hill. By the end of the second day you’ll be making flights of 50 feet or more above the ground.
As the course continues we will make bigger and bigger flights in a wider range of conditions. We’ll improve your wing control skills as well as improving your landing accuracy.
There is a theory element to the course and we’ll supply you with supporting notes as well as running structured lectures.
If you’ve started flying but need to complete a course, no problem and we’d be happy to help. We can also offer post CP development for those who want to broaden their skills or go for their Pilot rating
We supply all of the equipment that you’ll need and everything is current generation and less than 2 years old. This will make it safer and much easier for you.
We don’t provide acommodation on our Dorset course but are happy to recommend local options.
- This trip is suitable for beginner level pilots
The cost for the course is £560